
The admissions process at Jules Verne Campus depends on the educational institution and age or grade level and is done in three simple steps:


Attendance of the information evenings


Our information evenings Kindergarten, Elementary School or Grammar School provide you with a comprehensive overview of what we offer. Attending an information evening, on site or online, in the year prior to admission is mandatory before participating in a Visitation Day or in an Admission Day. However, you may register your child at any time, even before you visit the information evening relevant to you. You can register for our information evenings here. Due to building works, we are not able to offer learning house tours this school year. However, to get to know us, please have a look at our learning house tour presentation that shows our beautiful Campus.





Parents who are interested in a Kindergarten place are asked to register online for the Kindergarten using our non-binding application form here.

We will then contact you with a proposed date and invite you and your child to get to know us, attend a brief tour and visit our Kindergarten.

Children who are starting at the Jules Verne Kindergarten Preschool can get to know us as part of our "Open Pearl Afternoon." The children playfully explore our premises and do take on age-appropriate activities in a small group of approx. 10 to 12 children with our expert bilingual team. This enables us to assess whether it makes sense for the child to join our Jules Verne Preschool. The Open Pearl Afternoon takes place on an afternoon between November and March before the school year of the desired entry and lasts approx. 1.5 to 2 hours. During this time, parents receive detailed information about our special preschool concept and can ask questions and talk to the KiGa leadership team.


Elementary School

If you're sure you want to make an innovative school career possible for your child, register your child online for Jules Verne Elementary School via our non-binding digital application form here.
We will check whether admission is possible and then give you and your child the opportunity to get to know Jules Verne Campus in a personal setting.

1st graders
For children entering grade 1, this familiarization takes place on an Admission Day. Here, children playfully explore our learning studio in a group with our pedagogical team and are set age-appropriate tasks in a playful setting. The Admission Day takes place on an afternoon between November and March before the year of enrolment and lasts about three hours. For Jules Verne preschool children from our Kindergarten, participation in Admission Day is not necessary. Here, the assessment of school readiness takes place in close contact with the parents as part of everyday life. Our parents will receive detailed information about the internal admission process early in the Kindergarten year before the start of school.

2nd - 4th grade
Children entering grades 2 to 4 take part in a Visitation Day during which they spend a day in one of our learning groups. Before Visitaton Day, a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of 199 EUR is due.

The prerequisite for participation in an Admission Day or a Visitation Day is the attendance of the information evening in the school year before the desired entry and the transfer of a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of 199 EUR.


Grammar School

After attending the information evenings, we ask you to register online for the Jules Verne Grammar School via our non-binding application form here.

Jules Verne Children
Children who have attended the Jules Verne Elementary School take part in an internal admissions process about which our Jules Verne families are informed in detail during grade 4. The focus in this process is on the personal strengths of the learning partner, the assessment of his or her learning and grammar school aptitude, and the wishes of the family in the admission decision. A prerequisite for participation in the internal JVC admissions process is the transfer of a one-off, non-refundable application fee of 199 EUR. If the child is admitted to the JVC Gymnasium, this will be subtracted from the admission fee.

Children from other schools
For children who have attended other elementary schools, we check whether admission is possible and get back to you as soon as possible. In addition to the number of free places and the transfer grade report (Übertrittszeugnis) as indicators of suitability for grammar school, a visit to the JVC for a Visitation Day may also be one of the admission criteria. The prerequisite for participation in a Visitation Day is the attendance of the information evening in the school year prior to the desired entry date and the transfer of a one-off, non-refundable registration fee of 199 EUR.

You will hear from us
about your child's admission


After one month at the latest, we will let you know whether we can offer your child a place at our house of learning. If the decision is positive, we will send you all the necessary contract documents for a binding school booking. Within 14 days, a contract meeting will take place with the parents at Jules Verne Campus or online, and you can bring or send us the signed contract documents for countersignature. At this meeting, you will receive feedback on your child and you can ask any remaining questions, and you’ll receive a copy of the signed contract and, upon admission to the JVC elementary school, the school certificate for submission to your local elementary school. If we do not hear from you within this 14-day period, the place will be released for another child. To ensure planning security for both parties, the contract cannot be terminated before the start of the school year.

Early applications for admission will be given priority, taking into account educational and legal criteria.

Dr. Kerrie Elston-Güttler

Head of Learning House I COO

Get in Touch

Tuition calculator

Please enter here the annual gross income of both parents, without comma or separator (e.g. 56000).

Please enter numbers only.
Please enter your gross annual income.

Tuition and fees

The fees are calculated from the compulsory services and additional services offered at Jules Verne Elementary School.

All fees are based on a mixed calculation and must therefore be paid in full for the period booked, i.e. for 12 months for a school year.

According to § 10 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 EStG (Income Tax Act), the tution contribution can be deducted as a special tax expense in the amount of 30% of the fee paid per child, up to a maximum of 5,000.00 EUR. If applicable, 2/3 of the costs for care before and after classes can be claimed as childcare costs for tax purposes up to a maximum of 4,000 EUR. Details on this should be clarified directly with your tax advisor. Jules Verne Campus gGmbH does not assume any liability for this information.

Monthly tuition
The monthly tuition depends on the positive annual income of the child's legal guardians or of the persons living in a consensual union or domestic partnership with the person who has sole custody or the right of residence. The monthy tution can be calculated using the calculator below. It is based on the positive income of all types of income minus income-related expenses, but before deduction of special expenses and tax (usually the total amount of income). Purely negative income of one type of income is assessed as "0" and not deducted from the positive income.

Care in the Kindergarten
Opening hours 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; during school holidays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm: according to booking category, between 630.00 EUR and 995.00 EUR per month, plus an annual development contribution of 189.00 EUR.

  • 4 to 5 hrs a day - 630,00 EUR
  • 4 to 5 hrs a day - 630,00 EUR
  • 5 to 6 hrs a day - 703,00 EUR
  • 6 to 7 hrs a day - 776,00 EUR
  • 7 to 8 hrs a day - 849,00 EUR
  • 8 to 9 hrs a day - 922,00 EUR
  • 9 to 10 hrs a day - 995,00 EUR

Sibling discount
We grant a 5% discount on the school and Kindergarten fees for each sibling at Jules Verne Campus.

Admission fee
For the admission of a child to the Jules Verne Kindergarten, Jules Verne Elementary School and/or the Jules Verne Grammar School, a one-time admission fee per educational institution is charged. In the Kindergarten, this fee is 630,00 EUR. For the Elementary and Grammar school, a single monthy tuition is charged as the admission fee for positive annual incomes of less than 50,000 EUR. For positive annual incomes of more than 50,000 EUR, two and a half times the monthly tution is charged as the admission fee.

Daily, freshly prepared, wholesome organic food for lunch, including morning and afternoon snacks with fruit and vegetables: 170.00 EUR per month

Hort care
Pedagogical care after school until 5:30 pm, 5 days a week: 229.00 EUR per month in the Elementary school and 203.00 EUR in the Grammar school, each plus an annual development fee of 249.00 EUR. This includes care during the holidays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, but not during the last two weeks of the summer holidays and between Christmas and the Epiphany holiday in January.

Hort care can be booked for children attending Jules Verne Elementary School and Grammar School as part of the respective registration procedure or also during the course of the year via email to This booking can be added to the respective school contract as can other additional services, such as the food package or shuttle bus, within the framework of our service contract.

School shuttle bus service during school and holiday club hours from designated pick-up points to Jules Verne Campus and back: depending on the distance category, ranging from 308.80 EUR to 410.80 EUR per month

créAktiva plus
Arrangement of individual musical talent development, such as piano lessons, on site at Jules Verne Campus as part of the Hort care, bookable at a cost.


Is it possible to enrol a child during the school year?

If there are free places in the respective year group, there is nothing to prevent a change during the year.

Can parents access Campus at any time?

Our Learning House entrances are equipped with a special access system for security reasons. Access to the Campus is only possible during drop-off and pick-up times. In order to maintain the protected working and learning environment for children and learning guides and to avoid unannounced visits or private conversations by parents, access to Campus for parents is restricted to the outside area. Exceptions are parties or special occasions. Parents may also be present at to the reception area for organizational concerns. For compass and learning development meetings, parents will be met in the reception area by the learning guides.

What is tuition?

The tuition includes costs for lessons and work materials, individual counselling and support, coaching and transport to curriculum-relevant teaching facilities (sports facilities, swimming pool, etc.), but not for books, digital media or class excursions. These are charged separately.

The monthly tution to be paid is determined according to social criteria and income-dependent, based on the sum of positive income minus income-related expenses, but before deduction of special expenses and tax. For the correct determination of tuition, the annual submission of the income tax statement for two years before the school year in question needs to be sumitted by the legal guardians of the child or those persons living in a consensual union or domestic community with the person holding sole custody or the right to vote on residence. The amount of the monthly tution can be calculated in the digital calculator for the respective school year. The tution calculator can be accessed for each school type via or

What is an admission fee?

We charge a non-refundable one-off fee for the admission process. The admission fee covers the administrative costs for the admission of the child or for the re-admission after an absence of at least 1 year from Jules Verne Campus. The amount of the admission fee again depends on the sum of the positive income and can be one or two and a half times the individual monthly tution. Since the individual educational institutions Kindergarten, Elementary School and Grammar School are independent organizational institutions subject to different supervisory authorities and reporting obligations and changes from one area of Campus to another still require considerable administrative effort, a renewed admission fee is required when accepted to each new organization on Campus.

How is invoicing handled on Campus?

Before the first payment deadline, Jules Verne Campus will send an annual cost statement of all regular school services for the school year in question. The basis for this is the school contract or care contract in the Kindergarten. There is no separate invoicing. For additional fee-based services booked for learning partners, a separate cost statement is sent via email on a quarterly basis. The amount of the first invoice is made up of the tution, the admission fee, and the school development fee as stipulated in the contract, whereby the tution is determined with the help of the tution calculator depending on the positive annual income. There are also fees for additional services booked as part of the service contract (amounts stated in the contract). These are sent in a separate invoice. A separate statement is not issued beforehand.

What does the service contract include?

The service contract can be used to book additional services related to the operation of the Learning House. These are Hort care after school, the food/catering package, and bus transport.

What to do if the necessary income tax certificate is not yet available?

The necessary proof of income for determining the tuition always refers to the period that is two years before the year of admission. So for the 2023/2024 school year, the proof of income for the year 2021 would need to be provided. In order to correctly determine the tuition for the next school year, parents need to either submit the income tax statement from two years preceding the school year in question of or, if this is not yet available, the completed and signed "Form for the provisional determination of school fees" must be submitted by April 30 of each year at the latest. Failure to submit the form by April 30 of a given school year will automatically result in classification in the highest income bracket. Proof of income in the form of an income tax statement must be submitted by no later than February 15 of a given school year. If no income tax assessment is available, other suitable documents showing income must be submitted.

Do all contracts have to be provided as originals?

You are welcome to send a copy in advance by e-mail; this date will be recorded as the date of receipt of the application. However, the original contracts must be made available.

créAktiva - What is that?

Our word creation "créAktiva" contains creativity and activity as valuable building blocks of enjoyable, effective learning and further development. So "créAktiva" is one of the teaching elements at Jules Verne Campus that runs through all fields of learning and activity, effective across all subjects. If children become and remain creative in their approach to problems, tasks and challenges and are able to cope with them actively, their self-esteem increases significantly. "CréAktivas" can be special tasks and problems that children set themselves as goals, e.g. in research, but also special challenges in musical areas such as theatre, dance, playing instruments or sports. Large projects in the course of the year produce "créAktivas" which, with the presentation or staging, make the result of much practice, effort and cooperation of the children's community visible. In all these processes, children often discover their special talent for a particular area for the first time. This is where we start and provide targeted support.

Are there grades at Jules Verne Campus?

From the first year onwards, a detailed report on your child's performance and development will be given at the end of each semester. From the annual report of the second year, the reports are supplemented with school grades.

How do I find out about my child's level of achievement?

In order for parents to feel up to date about their child's current progress and learning topics - at public schools, this takes place primarily through homework - Jules Verne Campus offers transparency about what the learning partner is doing by the following means:

  • Campus News newsletter twice a year
  • Folder with work done during the week, which is given to the learning partner to take home on Fridays.
  • Learning checks and tests to be given at home
  • Learning compass and compass discussions
  • Consultation hours
  • Parents' evenings
  • Parents' lectured with expert presentations followed by a discussion forum
  • Friday Mail in Grammar School – a weekly update by the Heads of Grammar School
  • Info Screen in Kindergarten with daily highlights
  • Seesaw In Kindergarten and Elementary School

Is there support for the diagnosis of possible learning disabilities?

At Jules Verne Campus, support with possible learning difficulties of a learning partner can addressed on the initiative of the learning guides in consultation with the heads of the Elementary or Grammar school and the parents. These supportive measures do not replace any therapy that may be necessary outside school; this is then the responsibility of the parents.

What are the rules at the Jules Verne Campus?

In a school, the educational styles of very different parental homes come together. Decency, mutual tolerance and respectful behaviour are necessary for the functioning of a class and school community. Values and norms are part of the daily work at Jules Verne Campus and are also exemplified by the learning guides. However, the full support of the parents is indispensable. Behaviour that in any way damages the mental and physical well-being of other children is not tolerated at JVC. All of our policies can be found in the Parents' Brochure in the downloads for parents section of our website.

Are children allowed to bring their own toys to the Learning House?

Bringing toys from home should be avoided.The play and leisure facilities at Jules Verne Campus are generously designed. In case of loss of toys, no replacement can be provided.

What are the pedagogical qualifications of the learning guides (teachers)?

As a state-approved private primary school, the Jules Verne Campus is subject to supervision by the Government of Upper Bavaria. Our Grammar School is subject to supervision by the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. This means that each teacher is individually examined and approved by the government or the Ministry of Culture. In addition to a respective proof of individual pedagogical qualification, an extended police clearance certificate is also required.

In the learning groups at Jules Verne Campus, state supervision ensures that at least one of the learning guides, typically the German-speaking one, is always a state-recognised Bavarian elementary school/grammar school teacher or has a qualification that would allow him or her to teach at a public school in Bavaria. This may also apply to the second learning guide. If this is not the case, he/she at least has a comparable pedagogical, often international qualification, for example a "Master of Arts in Education" or "Certificate of Education (IBO-PYP)".

How is quality control carried out at Jules Verne Campus?

Self-reflection is an important claim of our learning house.In addition to maintaining children's curiosity, daily fun learning and the children's sense of well-being, this also includes measurable components in the form of performance records, these in comparison to other schools. In addition to our own development department on pedagogy, SBW Idea AG, we have worked with the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich to evaluate the performance of the Jules Verne children at regular intervals for internal purposes. In addition, extensive parent surveys are conducted on a regular basis, which are evaluated and used for further development.