“Virtual Learning House” during the Corona Crisis 2021 – Version 2.0!

During the first lockdown in the spring of 2020, everyday life on Campus as we knew it changed. During the duration of the Corona pandemic, we had to learn to maintain our valued relationships, togetherness, movement, and creativity while keeping the Bavarian curriculum in mind… at a distance... Not an easy task!

We were extremely proud to have established a reliable online system with MS Teams from the very beginning while not losing sight of data protection. Just as we did last spring during the first extended phase of “distance learning,” all the learning partners at Jules Verne Campus are learning all day long according to a “virtual learning house” timetable with online inputs via video conferences. In Elementary School, this is from 8:45 am to 3:30 pm, and in Grammar School, lessons are from 8:30 am to 16:00 pm.

Our JVC learning partners are sharing presentations, doing experiments, participating in inputs for larger groups and individual inputs for smaller groups, having coaching sessions, and much more! Not only are we covering the core subjects, but there’s also room for Sport and Movement as well as for Creative offers. Those who need a break from the screen can take advantage of the written lessons, which are made available every Friday preceding each week of learning. Of course, all the learning guides are available for questions and exchange.

Now during the second full school closure during the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve perfected online learning even further in our version 2.0! Based on the feedback from our learning partners, we’ve integrated more flexibility into the virtual school day. We’ve incorporated “outside movement breaks” like building a snow man or having certain offers optional in the afternoon. This way, we’re keeping not only academic progress, but also our learning partner’s need for variety, fresh air, movement, and emotional support in mind—aspects we need not neglect for children and teens during these unprecedented times.

Our dedicated Hort team is looking after Kindergarteners and children in grades 1-6 whose parents require the emergency care services. Here, the children participate in full virtual offers with iPdas provided by us, but the children are located “on site.”

Of course we haven’t forgotten about our littlest ones either: The Kindergarten children at home are in contact with their caregivers via daily video conferences, and our preschool children have online lessons in their group.

The virtual learning house has evolved and improved since spring 2020 because everyone is sticking together—a heartfelt thank you to the entire JVC community! We truly broke out of our comfort zone during the first lockdown, and we all agree that the efforts we made back then were well worth it. Now, the virtual learning house—though of course still not the same as being on Campus—feels like familiar territory. We’re proud of how well our parents, learning guides, and learning partners have grown and become innovative in the process!