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Imagination und Innovation: Eine neue IT-Ära hat am JVC begonnen

An unserem Jules Verne Campus hat das neue Zeitalter der Informationstechnologie bereits begonnen. So erstrahlen unsere Lernräume nun in neuem Licht. Sie sind mit den neuesten 86-Zoll CTouch RIVA 2 Bildschirmen ausgestattet, die dank interaktiver Stifteingabe die Art und Weise revolutionieren, wie unsere Lernpartner und Lernbegleiter zusammenarbeiten und lernen.
Parallel dazu bieten unsere Laptopklassen am Gymnasium einen weiteren bereits etablierten Baustein unseres umfassenden IT-Konzepts....

Coaching – The Miracle Question in Grammar School

Coaching isn’t therapy, it’s human development with personal growth as the result. Coaching is a cornerstone of the program at JVC, where we help our learning partners to overcome their hurdles, develop resilience, and build on their strengths. To make this more effective, a team of ten coaches from the JVC Gymnasium team have undergone an extensive professional training in their free time to become certified learning coaches. At the end of April, the team finished this training and were exc...

Wir bewegen was – BNE Ziele 1 – 2- 3 – Jule Verne Campus Spendenlauf für SOS Kinderdorf

Bewegt in die Pfingstferien starten war nicht das einzige Motto für unseren diesjährigen Spendenlauf, an dem die gesamte Grundschule und auch der gesamte! Kindergarten teilnahmen. Über 260 Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 11 Jahren liefen Runden, Kilometer und Spenden für den guten Zweck ein. Allein durch so einen Spendenlauf docken wir an die 17 Ziele der UN an und können mindestens drei davon abdecken wie:

Wir wollten mit dem erlaufenen Betrag in diesem Jahr nicht nur ein Projekt von SOS...

Boundless Imagination – Oasis Mural

In keeping with our annual theme on Campus this school year, our grade 5 learning partners and their art learning guide, Frau Hartmann, created yet another wall of wonder in our Oasis. Here, they explored our annual theme “Imagination flows everywhere” by drawing wild and whimsical figments of their imagination. A fish with long legs and high heels, a gorgeous sea turtle, talking flowers, Yoda the Wise, and the earth being held up by a mystical creature were featured. All these things repres...

Wow! We did it again! 100% Success Rate for the 2023 Trial Lessons

The eagerly awaited results of this year's trial lessons are now available and we are incredibly pleased to announce a 100% success rate for the second year in a row! Congratulations to all the Jules Verne "diamonds" in the fourth grade who participated in the Probeunterricht at the various secondary schools (Gymnasium and Realschule) and will now be accepted at their school of choice!
We are extremely proud of our Jules Verne "diamonds," who have mastered the academic and emotional challenge...

Excellent Results of the 2023 Parents’ Surveys for the JVC Elementary & Grammar Schools

In April 2023, we conducted our regular IQES parents’ surveys intended to help us improve your child’s education and evaluate whether we’re reaching our goals for educational excellence and innovation at the Jules Verne Elementary and Grammar Schools. The school surveys are conducted every two years in alternation with parent questionnaires on our Hort and Kindergarten.
We would like to extend our warm thanks to those families who participated! This year, we are happy to report a high ...

SBW SPARK Week in April 2023!

We are pleased that as things loosen up again after a forced break due to Corona, live exchanges and interactions with our Swiss school family, SBW Haus des Lernens, are possible again, as are live lectures for parents. The common “DNA” within the SBW school family in terms of pedagogy is always visible with our educational philosophy and Fraktal. To familiarize yourself with our SBW approach or simply refresh your memory if you’re already familiar with it, the Future Skills Booklet and SB...

Moon Lounge Launch

Our third floor is named after Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon. Once we completed the mural on up there saying Start your future here, removed the partition and kitchen, and created a giant chalkboard wall, our brand-new Moon Lounge started taking shape. During Project Week last July, four learning partners from Grammar School made 3D models of the space, chose furniture within a budget, and presented their proposals to the Head of Learning House. Their ideas, including some upcycling, ...

Fun Fridays on Campus

To generate some school spirit in connection to our annual theme Imagination flows everywhere! and just have a little fun, we’ve continued theme days, or Fun Fridays, once a month for the 2022/2023 school year. The dates are listed under “Infos” and as calendar entries on SchulApp. This year, we included some favorites from last year as well as new ideas connected to our annual theme. On these special days, wearing Campus Dress is not required and can be replaced by clothing related to the...